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NRL Fantasy Round 18 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


We look back at Round 17 and look for players that could/should be in our trading minds this week.

The Good - Mitch Barnett

If you brought him in for the bye round, you would be rapt with a 74. He could be the cut price keeper for those of us that don’t have the team value we would want. At 622k he could be worth the shot for the run home. He is like an ex girlfriend that wanted to get back with us but when he got his 39 we were like no chance, then we see her at the mall and she is smoking hot(74) and we want to get back with her but notice she has a new man. So due to lack of trades or too many Mid/Edges we just may have to pass. If you are low on cash his base was great last week and he is back playing 80 he could be a tidy pick up.

The Bad - Ryan Papenhuyzen

At the office I have received some critical email that my illustrations are misogynistic, so this ones for the Ladies. You see a good looking chap eye him up and down, get to the package and think I’ll have a bit of that and when you take him home in the lust of passion you reach down for this python and pull out a pair of socks. Well that’s our man Pappy, looked good the week before finishing in a flurry. Missing some guns from the team it was his chance to step up and dominate. With a pathetic 28 and the potential of not being named this week due to injuries, Latrell might have been the option to take home. By seasons end most teams will have Pappy but he is not an urgent bring in this week, with a BE of 61 it may be time to apply the famous TK three date rule, but because of his reputation it could be a 1 or 2 date rule. He should not be in the urgent category this week.

The Ugly - Brandon Smith

How can you be Ugly scoring 61? Well if he had of not called the ref a Cheating Bastard he would of probably got 80. As we all know, there are consequences for our actions, sadly for people that brought him in(looking at you Shooter) he has completely screwed you! You now have to wear those consequences as well. It looks like he will get 4 weeks, so it depends on your team as to what to do. If your TK and your other hooker is going to be Grant you probably hold him. If your Shooter and have no trades it too becomes easy, however if he was your back up to Cook your probably best to downgrade to a Nu Brown or Upgrade to a Brailey. He really is like that girl that cakes her face in make up and looks good from a distance or in the club, but now you have seen her with no make up and acne shining bright I would be looking to stay away from her. Undoubtably we are all running low on trades and eyeing off round 20, so it may be a good time to keep our peckers dry and only trade a) after origin b) to bring in a season keeper. But remember trade sober and pray for no injuries(well to your team at least).

Be sure to check out TK, Jake and Shooter on the Round 17 Wrap podcast if you missed out on the live Facebook show.


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